10 Cloud-Based Translation Management System (TMS) Benefits [2025]

Seeking out the benefits of a cloud-based translation system? That’s smart to do, because you  should understand what online translation management systems can offer you before you make the switch or dive in for the first time.

And it’s important to note that any good TMS is a considerable investment.

That’s why we compiled 10 benefits of cloud-based translation management systems, sourced straight from language industry veterans.

Cloud-Based Translation Management System Advantages

1. Access your cloud-based TMS from multiple devices

One of the top benefits of a cloud-based translation management system is that your company won’t be tied to working on the office’s desktop computers. Because it’s in the cloud, users can pick back up on where they left off on either their laptops, tablets or smartphones. You’ll just want to ensure you choose a translation system with enterprise-level security.

2. Greater insight into translation project status

When you choose a cloud-based translation platform, your company benefits from more transparency in your project progress and file edits. Because your team members can all have access to the same project (as long as you grant it to them), everyone is on the same page.

In an ideal TMS, you can even see the date and timestamp for not only the last edit and login, but also the specific activity trail by user.

3. Better communication equals better collaboration

Do you enjoy always having to update file names to denote a new version? How about attaching that file to email, or how about manually quoting the section of the file you’re questioning /commenting on? 

This activity ceases when you have a good translation management system in the cloud that’s built for enhancing your company’s collaboration productivity. When you’re evaluating your software options, be sure to choose a solution that streamlines your team collaboration.

4. No installation necessary

Installing a translation program on your computer is cumbersome. Sometimes, it also requires your IT person to take over your device while you twiddle your thumbs, thinking of how much work you have left to complete. With a cloud-based translation platform, this is never a concern. You get instant access to your software, software upgrades and bug fixes.

5. More uptime

Uptime is the amount of time during which your computer software or equipment is able to function (or function properly). Because your TMS is web-based, you should encounter fewer issues that impede your company’s access to the software.

Enterprise level translation software will deliver 99% uptime, and that’s hard to beat. Whether it’s bugs, crashes or device maintenance, you’ll never need to waste time waiting to regain access or proper functionality. And this means you’ll be writing less IT Help tickets.

6. Better value

One of the biggest benefits of choosing cloud-based translation management software is that you typically get more value. Once you make a list of contenders, you’ll begin to see how the pricing of online systems is more cost-effective and provides a quicker return on investment than their desktop-based counterparts. 

7. Operating system compatibility doesn’t matter

Another advantage of an online translation management system is the insignificance of operating system compatibility. If your team works (or might potentially work) on different operating systems, it’s inconsequential. This is simply because the system is accessed by browser, rather than the hard drive of your device.

In other words, the operating system doesn’t really matter. Yes, there are some translation systems optimized for Microsoft Office files, which can mean an MS-Office optimized system might benefit a user whose OS is Microsoft Windows. But overall, the OS you use doesn’t present an obstacle.

This means if your graphic designer works on an InDesign file for your brochure on a Mac (which they most often do), they can easily upload that file to your TMS without your company paying for an additional expensive license

8. Translate from anywhere on the globe

Do you want the flexibility of adding team members from another country or location if need be? When you choose an online TMS, especially from the get-go, this won’t be an issue for you. The translations are accessible in the cloud. This is particularly advantageous when you need the flexibility of a distributed workforce producing translations.

9. Easy onboarding & user friendliness

Another benefit of a cloud-based TMS is user onboarding. It’s easier when you choose a web-based translation system. These systems typically have a minimal learning curve and more modern user interfaces. Not to mention a pared-down toolbar.

In fact, certain online translation management systems actually forgo the toolbars altogether because they are so intuitive and time-saving that most functions are powered automatically on the back end.

10. Enterprise level security

A misconception of using an online translation system is that you need to sacrifice enterprise level security. You can find a cloud-based TMS that meets enterprise security requirements.

After all, “desktop-based” doesn’t always mean "enterprise security." A recent incident that demonstrates this is the recent US Government data breach (SolarWinds). It was carried out by adding malware to a .exe desktop software upgrade. With cloud software, your computer is not vulnerable to this type of attack.

Reap the Benefits of this Cloud-Based TMS

Try Pairaphrase to experience all the above benefits of a cloud-based translation management system. Pairaphrase helps you achieve faster, smarter and safer translations.

